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Shyun 旬 Washoku Curbside Pickup - Minimalism Boxes of WR Curbside 5/25, 26, 27 6:00-6:30pm

Updated: May 23, 2022

As I mentioned in the past blog and newsletters, Shyun Washoku will represent our food service, with minimalizm in style of WR Curbside. The first one will be the next week 5/25 Wednesday, 26 Thursday, and 27 Friday. Nigiri sushi, donburi, and a la carte including marinated tuna or salmon rolls separately, eliminating grades as Sapphire, Platinum this time. We try to be involved in sustainable program more with our local suppliers, and focus more on simplicity than WR Curbside Boxes, thus it can be a bit affordable for you, too.

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